In 2017, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announced that at-sea data collection to monitor bycatch was being implemented for LFAs 33, 34 and 35 in 2018. In response to DFO’s announcement, Coldwater Lobster Association (CLA), along with four other fishermen’s associations, collaborated to develop an industry-led bycatch monitoring program that was tailored to the inshore lobster industry. In November 2018, the Southwest Lobster Science Society (SWLSS) was formed and that following year, the industry-led proposal was approved by DFO for a 3-year pilot program.

The SWLSS offers fishermen throughout the region an alternative to DFO’s at-sea lobster observer plan. The industry-led at-sea data collection program provides an opportunity for fishermen to demonstrate:

  • strength in numbers;
  • participate in industry ‘owned’ science research initiatives; and
  • demonstrate our commitment to the sustainability of the lobster fishery.

A comprehensive At-Sea Data Collection Framework has been developed by DFO which provides the scientific and regulatory foundation for the SWLSS’s bycatch monitoring program. The SWLSS has shown great success in capturing key scientific bycatch data for our industry and given the successful execution of the pilot program during the first three years, the SWLSS’s bycatch monitoring data acquisition program has been approved by DFO for continuation for the 2021/2022 lobster season.


  • The SWLSS hires and pays for the at-sea technicians to conduct data collection;
  • Each vessel may be required to take one technician trip per season (at a maximum) and will be provided 2-3 days notice if they have been selected;
  • Temporal and spacial coverage is pre-determined by the science division of DFO science for all three participating LFAs;
  • At-sea technicians are trained on vessel safety and scientific data collection by SWLSS personnel;
  • The registration fee for at-sea data collection program is $300.00.
  • Lobster license holders MUST be a paid member of one of the founding fishermen’s associations to join.


September 2022 – The SWLSS has been approved by DFO to continue with the Industry-led at-sea data collection program for the 2022/23 lobster season.


The fee for at-sea data collection coverage through the Southwest Lobster Science Society is: $300

Accepted payment methods: cheque made out to Southwest Lobster Science Society or eTransfer sent to Please contact the office to request a registration form.

For further information on the industry led, at-sea bycatch monitoring pilot or how to sign up, please contact either Coldwater Lobster Association or the Southwest Lobster Science Society, 902-881-2684 during regular business hours.